张蕾,经济学博士,经济与管理学院副教授,国家留学基金委公派澳大利亚博士。担任山东省大数据研究会理事《Energy and Buildings》《Journal of Cleaner Production》 等SSCI/SCI期刊匿名审稿人。Bwin体育“1251”人才、校级优秀教师、三八红旗手。
(1) CO2 emission linkage analysis in global construction sectors: alarming trends from 1995 to 2009 and possible repercussions [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019.6 (221):863-877. (SCI/SSCI 1区,2021年IF=9.297)
(2) Internationalization trends of carbon emission linkages: A case study on the construction sector. [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020.10:122433.(SCI/SSCI 1区,2021年IF=9.297)
(3) Measuring energy poverty based on energy embodied in exports of vertical specialization trade in the construction sector[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 196: 157-168.(SCI 2区,2021年IF=7.201)
(4) Analysis and comparison of embodied energies in gross exports of the construction sector by means of their value-added origins. Energy, 2020,191, 116546.(SCI 1区,2021年IF=8.857)
(5) Composition of energy outflows embodied in the gross exports of the construction sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 248, 119296.(SCI/SSCI 1区,2021年IF=9.297)